'Waschdieflossen' est un projet d'intérêt commun. Musiciens, artistes et enfants chantent partout dans le monde pour obtenir des mains propres. Plus il y aura de participants mieux cela vaudra!
Depuis quelques semaines, on explique à nos enfants qu’il faut se laver les mains pendant au moins 30 secondes. Pour pouvoir estimer correctement cette durée, on leur propose de chanter 'Happy birthday' deux fois d’affilée. Nous en sommes convaicus: On peut être plus créatif! C'est pourquoi nous avons créé une toute nouvelle chanson sur ce thème en y incluant un chronomètre.
Maintenant, aimerions encourager tous les musiciens, chanteurs, enfants et tous ceux qui ont en envie, à enregistrer leur propre version de cette chanson – dans toutes les langues et les styles de musique les plus éclectiques. Si un grand nombre de versions aussi différentes que possible voit le jour on s'ennuiera moins devant le lavabo en se lavant les mains.
En plus, on pourra chanter 'Happy birthday' dans le futur sans être obligé de penser à Corona ... ;-)
Sur notre chaîne Youtube, vous trouverez toujours de nouvelles versions de #JohnnySharkfin. Les musiciens et les enfants chantent en plusieurs langues ou présentent leurs propres créations. Jetez un coup d'œil!
Ici, vous trouverez tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour participer:
les paroles, la partition, une version instrumentale et une version sans paroles et sans musique. Chantez 'Johnny le requin' comme un air, comme chanson pop, hip-hop ou rock. Eclatez-vous et soyez créatifs! Si vous voulez, postez votre interprétation sur Instagram ou Facebook, munis des hashtags #johnnyshark #washyourfins #waschdeineflossen.
L'utilisation du matériel est gartuite. Ce projet nous tient à coeur et ne génère aucun profit. C'est la raison pour laquelle l’utilisation à des fins commerciales n'est pas dans l'esprit de ce projet et est donc interdite.
L'illustratrice Sabine Dully et l'auteur Eva Dax ont réalisé plusieurs imagiers et livres pour enfants qui sont parus dans 18 pays. En tant qu'équipe créative, elles développent en plus des univers narratifs, des conceptions pour les médias d'enfants et des applications pour la chaîne de télévision allemande pour enfants : SuperRTL. Quand elles se sont mises à leur compte en 2018, les jeunes fondatrices se sont juré de ne jamais réaliser des projets sans demander d'honoraires. Mais alors vint l'idée de faire #waschdeineflossen et 'Johnny le requin' …
www.dullydax.de'Bullte aus Bo' est un groupe musical acoustique de la region de Münster en Allemagne du nord. Ralf Doetkotte, Jörg Weßels et Tobias Harmeling veulent se concentrer sur l'essentiel, c'est pourquoi ils ont opté pour l'acoustique. Aucun ampli, synthétiseur, ou effets spéciaux ne doivent troubler l'impression. Mais encore plus que des musiciens, ces trois hommes sont des pères, c'est pourquoi depuis longtemps, différentes chansons enfantines leur trottaient dans la tête , elles vont enfin pouvoir en sortir. Le nom de groupe convient très bien: 'Bullte aus Bo' est un polisson campagnard du roman 'Emil de Lönneberga' d'Astrid Lindgren. Tobias Harmeling et Eva Dax sont amis depuis la terminale – et ainsi le groupe a tout de suite décidé de participer à #waschdeineflossen quand Eva leur en a parlé.
'Bullte aus Bo' - FacebookLe studio de dessin animé Lutterbeck (SARL), géré par Matthias Bruhn et Richard Lutterbeck est spécialisé dans les dessins animés classiques pour enfants. Il travaille et pour le cinéma et pour la télé. A côté des dessins animés pour l'émission 'Sendung mit der Maus' (L'émission avec la souris), très connue en Allemagne, le studio a aussi réalisé beaucoup de productions renommées qui ont été couronnées de prix nationaux et internationaux – entre autres la co-production européenne 'Fritzi – eine Wendewundergeschicht' (Fritzi – un miracle lors de la chute du mur) qui était montré à plusieurs festivals et nommée pour le prix LOLA au festival du film allemand. Comme l'animateur du studio est marié à Sabine Dully, il n'a pas été long à convaincre les artistes. Après un simple coup de fil c'était évident: Le studio est de la partie et Johnny le requin peut prendre vie!
www.trickstudio.deNous tenons à remercier et à exprimer notre sincère reconnaissance au célèbre Duo Joncol. Merci de participer à notre petit projet, en apportant votre expérience, qui est normalement appréciée non seulement par les étudiants du Conservatoire de Zurich, où ils enseignent la guitare, mais aussi par le public lors des concerts qu'ils donnent dans le monde entier et qui inspirent les critiques du monde entier. Les deux membres du duo sont responsables de la version espagnole de la chanson, qu'ils ont créée avec tant d'amour et tant de professionnalisme et qui nous a rendus fous car nous ne pouvions pas nous arrêter de danser dessus! Nous voulons également remercier leurs fantastiques partenaires Anna Colom et Michael Boner qui ont ensuite rejoint le projet. Le lien suivant vous permet d'obtenir plus d'informations sur le duo de louanges:
www.duojoncol.comTaylor Smith a donné à notre chanson sur les requins un air de Nouvelle-Orléans! C'était la première interprétation en langue étrangère que nous avons entendue - et nous avons été immédiatement enchantés. Le musicien de jazz américain voyage normalemen dans le monde entier avec son groupe 'The Roamin' Jasmine' et joue - comme il le dit lui-même - 'Hot New Orleans Music to make you dance'. Le groupe allemand 'Bullte aus Bo' a partagé la scène avec lui plusieurs fois et Taylor l'a immédiatement appelé pour le faire monter à bord. Quelle chance!
www.roaminjasmine.comManuel Goretti, Luciano Sibona et Filippo Lambertucci sont originaires du nord de l'Italie, une région particulièrement touchée par le coronavirus. Ce printemps, ils auraient dû être sur scène avec le groupe allemand 'Bullte aus Bo' et Taylor Smith. Mais Corona a déjoué les plans.
Lorsque Taylor Smith a présenté le projet aux musiciens, ceux-ci ont immédiatement accepté avec enthousiasme: 'Nous pensons que le pouvoir de la musique et de l'art en général est fondamental et indispensable, surtout en période de crise comme celle-ci'.
Catherine Delsaut et Jean Luc Bernin vivent en France, dans le département de l'Ardèche.
En duo 'Tirs Croisés', ils chantent leurs propres compositions et chansons. Ils travaillaient sur leur premier CD pour enfants quand ils ont entendu parler de 'Johnny Sharkfin'.
Ils étaient tellement emballés par l'idée du projet qu'ils ont interrompu leur travail en studio et ont écrit une chanson pour enfants merveilleusement accrocheuse pour notre requin, que tout le monde aimerait chanter.
Si vous voulez en savoir plus, cliquez ici:
Vous avez des questions sur la musique ou une interprétation particulièrement belle de la chanson, que nous devrions présenter sur notre chaîne YouTube:
Bullteausbo@gmx.deSuggestions, questions, éloges ou critiques sur le projet:
info@dullydax.deFeedback sur l'animation:
info@trickstudio.deUn grand merci également à tous nos traducteurs bénévoles, en particulier:
Nicola Mesken, Stefanie Meinert, Siggi Goetz
TrickStudio Lutterbeck GmbH
Neusser Strasse 476
50733 Köln
Richard Lutterbeck & Matthias Bruhn
Phone: +49.221.21 64 27
Fax: +49.221.21 65 47
E-mail: info@trickstudio.de
Handelsregister: AG Köln HRB 30055
Ust.-IdNr.: DE 192942300
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Personal data (usually referred to just as "data" below) will only be processed by us to the extent necessary and for the purpose of providing a functional and user-friendly website, including its contents, and the services offered there.
Per Art. 4 No. 1 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, i.e. the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the "GDPR"), "processing" refers to any operation or set of operations such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation, alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination, or otherwise making available, alignment, or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction performed on personal data, whether by automated means or not.
The following privacy policy is intended to inform you in particular about the type, scope, purpose, duration, and legal basis for the processing of such data either under our own control or in conjunction with others. We also inform you below about the third-party components we use to optimize our website and improve the user experience which may result in said third parties also processing data they collect and control.
Our privacy policy is structured as follows:
I. Information about us as controllers of your data
II. The rights of users and data subjects
III. Information about the data processing
The party responsible for this website (the "controller") for purposes of data protection law is:
TrickStudio Lutterbeck GmbH
Neusser Strasse 476
50733 Köln
Phone: +49.221.21 64 27
Fax: +49.221.21 65 47
E-mail: info@trickstudio.de
Balthasarstraße 8
50670 Köln
E-mail: info@dullydax.de
With regard to the data processing to be described in more detail below, users and data subjects have the right
In addition, the controller is obliged to inform all recipients to whom it discloses data of any such corrections, deletions, or restrictions placed on processing the same per Art. 16, 17 Para. 1, 18 GDPR. However, this obligation does not apply if such notification is impossible or involves a disproportionate effort. Nevertheless, users have a right to information about these recipients.
Likewise, under Art. 21 GDPR, users and data subjects have the right to object to the controller's future processing of their data pursuant to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. In particular, an objection to data processing for the purpose of direct advertising is permissible.
Your data processed when using our website will be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose for its storage ceases to apply, provided the deletion of the same is not in breach of any statutory storage obligations or unless otherwise stipulated below.
For technical reasons, the following data sent by your internet browser to us or to our server provider will be collected, especially to ensure a secure and stable website: These server log files record the type and version of your browser, operating system, the website from which you came (referrer URL), the webpages on our site visited, the date and time of your visit, as well as the IP address from which you visited our site.
The data thus collected will be temporarily stored, but not in association with any other of your data.
The basis for this storage is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in the improvement, stability, functionality, and security of our website.
The data will be deleted within no more than seven days, unless continued storage is required for evidentiary purposes. In which case, all or part of the data will be excluded from deletion until the investigation of the relevant incident is finally resolved.
If you contact us via email or the contact form, the data you provide will be used for the purpose of processing your request. We must have this data in order to process and answer your inquiry; otherwise we will not be able to answer it in full or at all.
The legal basis for this data processing is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) GDPR.
Your data will be deleted once we have fully answered your inquiry and there is no further legal obligation to store your data, such as if an order or contract resulted therefrom.
We maintain an online presence on YouTube to present our company and our services and to communicate with customers/prospects. YouTube is a service of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, a subsidiary of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA.
We would like to point out that this might cause user data to be processed outside the European Union, particularly in the United States. This may increase risks for users that, for example, may make subsequent access to the user data more difficult. We also do not have access to this user data. Access is only available to YouTube. Google LLC is certified under the Privacy Shield and committed to comply with European privacy standards.
The YouTube privacy policy can be found here:
To advertise our products and services as well as to communicate with interested parties or customers, we have a presence on the Facebook platform.
On this social media platform, we are jointly responsible with Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2, Ireland.
The data protection officer of Facebook can be reached via this contact form:
We have defined the joint responsibility in an agreement regarding the respective obligations within the meaning of the GDPR. This agreement, which sets out the reciprocal obligations, is available at the following link:
The legal basis for the processing of the resulting and subsequently disclosed personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in the analysis, communication, sales, and promotion of our products and services.
The legal basis may also be your consent per Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR granted to the platform operator. Per Art. 7 para. 3 GDPR, you may revoke this consent with the platform operator at any time with future effect.
When accessing our online presence on the Facebook platform, Facebook Ireland Ltd. as the operator of the platform in the EU will process your data (e.g. personal information, IP address, etc.).
This data of the user is used for statistical information on the use of our company presence on Facebook. Facebook Ireland Ltd. uses this data for market research and advertising purposes as well as for the creation of user profiles. Based on these profiles, Facebook Ireland Ltd. can provide advertising both within and outside of Facebook based on your interests. If you are logged into Facebook at the time you access our site, Facebook Ireland Ltd. will also link this data to your user account.
If you contact us via Facebook, the personal data your provide at that time will be used to process the request. We will delete this data once we have completely responded to your query, unless there are legal obligations to retain the data, such as for subsequent fulfillment of contracts.
Facebook Ireland Ltd. might also set cookies when processing your data.
If you do not agree to this processing, you have the option of preventing the installation of cookies by making the appropriate settings in your browser. Cookies that have already been saved can be deleted at any time. The instructions to do this depend on the browser and system being used. For Flash cookies, the processing cannot be prevented by the settings in your browser, but instead by making the appropriate settings in your Flash player. If you prevent or restrict the installation of cookies, not all of the functions of Facebook may be fully usable.
Details on the processing activities, their suppression, and the deletion of the data processed by Facebook can be found in its privacy policy:
It cannot be excluded that the processing by Facebook Ireland Ltd. will also take place in the United States by Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California 94025.
Facebook Inc. has submitted to the EU-US Privacy Shield, thereby complying with the data protection requirements of the EU when processing data in the USA.
To advertise our products and services as well as to communicate with interested parties or customers, we have a presence on the Instagram platform.
On this social media platform, we are jointly responsible with Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland.
The data protection officer of Instagram can be reached via this contact form:
We have defined the joint responsibility in an agreement regarding the respective obligations within the meaning of the GDPR. This agreement, which sets out the reciprocal obligations, is available at the following link:
The legal basis for the processing of the resulting and subsequently disclosed personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in the analysis, communication, sales, and promotion of our products and services.
The legal basis may also be your consent per Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR granted to the platform operator. Per Art. 7 para. 3 GDPR, you may revoke this consent with the platform operator at any time with future effect.
When accessing our online presence on the Instagram platform, Facebook Ireland Ltd. as the operator of the platform in the EU will process your data (e.g. personal information, IP address, etc.).
This data of the user is used for statistical information on the use of our company presence on Instagram. Facebook Ireland Ltd. uses this data for market research and advertising purposes as well as for the creation of user profiles. Based on these profiles, Facebook Ireland Ltd. can provide advertising both within and outside of Instagram based on your interests. If you are logged into Instagram at the time you access our site, Facebook Ireland Ltd. will also link this data to your user account.
If you contact us via Instagram, the personal data your provide at that time will be used to process the request. We will delete this data once we have completely responded to your query, unless there are legal obligations to retain the data, such as for subsequent fulfillment of contracts.
Facebook Ireland Ltd. might also set cookies when processing your data.
If you do not agree to this processing, you have the option of preventing the installation of cookies by making the appropriate settings in your browser. Cookies that have already been saved can be deleted at any time. The instructions to do this depend on the browser and system being used. For Flash cookies, the processing cannot be prevented by the settings in your browser, but instead by making the appropriate settings in your Flash player. If you prevent or restrict the installation of cookies, not all of the functions of Instagram may be fully usable.
Details on the processing activities, their suppression, and the deletion of the data processed by Instagram can be found in its privacy policy:
It cannot be excluded that the processing by Facebook Ireland Ltd. will also take place in the United States by Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California 94025.
Facebook Inc. has submitted to the EU-US Privacy Shield, thereby complying with the data protection requirements of the EU when processing data in the USA.
We also integrate the following social media sites into our website. The integration takes place via a linked graphic of the respective site. The use of these graphics stored on our own servers prevents the automatic connection to the servers of these networks for their display. Only by clicking on the corresponding graphic will you be forwarded to the service of the respective social network.
Once you click, that network may record information about you and your visit to our site. It cannot be ruled out that such data will be processed in the United States.
Initially, this data includes such things as your IP address, the date and time of your visit, and the page visited. If you are logged into your user account on that network, however, the network operator might assign the information collected about your visit to our site to your personal account. If you interact by clicking Like, Share, etc., this information can be stored your personal user account and possibly posted on the respective network. To prevent this, you need to log out of your social media account before clicking on the graphic. The various social media networks also offer settings that you can configure accordingly.
The following social networks are integrated into our site by linked graphics:
Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland, a subsidiary of Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.
Privacy Policy: https://www.facebook.com/policy.php
EU-US Privacy Shield https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000GnywAAC&status=Active
Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland, a subsidiary of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA
Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy
EU-US Privacy Shield https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt000000001L5AAI&status=Active
We use YouTube on our website. This is a video portal operated by YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, 94066 San Bruno, CA, USA, hereinafter referred to as "YouTube".
YouTube is a subsidiary of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland, hereinafter referred to as "Google".
Through certification according to the EU-US Privacy Shield
Google and its subsidiary YouTube guarantee that they will follow the EU's data protection regulations when processing data in the United States.
We use YouTube in its advanced privacy mode to show you videos. The legal basis is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in improving the quality of our website. According to YouTube, the advanced privacy mode means that the data specified below will only be transmitted to the YouTube server if you actually start a video.
Without this mode, a connection to the YouTube server in the USA will be established as soon as you access any of our webpages on which a YouTube video is embedded.
This connection is required in order to be able to display the respective video on our website within your browser. YouTube will record and process at a minimum your IP address, the date and time the video was displayed, as well as the website you visited. In addition, a connection to the DoubleClick advertising network of Google is established.
If you are logged in to YouTube when you access our site, YouTube will assign the connection information to your YouTube account. To prevent this, you must either log out of YouTube before visiting our site or make the appropriate settings in your YouTube account.
For the purpose of functionality and analysis of usage behavior, YouTube permanently stores cookies on your device via your browser. If you do not agree to this processing, you have the option of preventing the installation of cookies by making the appropriate settings in your browser. Further details can be found in the section about cookies above.
Further information about the collection and use of data as well as your rights and protection options in Google's privacy policy found at
Model Data Protection Statement for Anwaltskanzlei Weiß & Partner